Teddy Needs A Bath! The Best Way to Clean Stuffed Toys

$1,050 TWD

When you're doing your housecleaning, don't overlook Teddy and his buddies. Teddy Needs A Bath brings stuffed animals through the washer and dryer clean as new and looking fresh - and safe from dust mites. Dust mites build up in stuffed animals just like in pillows and mattresses, and elimination of dust mites is important because dust mite allergen can be a contributing factor to eczema or asthma flare-ups. The 100% cotton bag keeps well-loved animals from snagging or becoming misshapen during washing. Your child will love for Teddy to have a bath in this cute 20" x 30" bag.

3 reasons why Teddy Needs a Bath! should be in your home.

#1 Health -The National Allergy Association recommends washing your child's/pet's stuffed toys once a month to prevent the spread of germs and dust mites. Studies have been done to show that washing a stuffed toy in hot water and then drying it in hot air effectively kills harmful bacteria and dust mites. Studies have also shown that exposing your children to dust mites at an early age can cause the onset of Asthma. Households have been over-looking stuffed animals when cleaning their homes and nurseries for centuries. Teddy Needs a Bath! aims to bring awareness to the importance of germ and dust free stuffed toys!

#2 The Environment - Now, more than ever, we are all aware of the negative effects we are having on this planet. Teddy Needs a Bath! is a great way to reduce the amount of toys being thrown out, facilitate the idea of reusing the toys we have, or washing them and recycling to a new owner.

#3 Save Money - In the past, it may have seemed easier to just discard a dirty stuffed toy and replace it with a new one. But in these times of over-spending we have learned how to cut back on unnecessary purchases. Teddy Needs a Bath! makes toys look, feel and smell brand new, eliminating the need for new toys.

• Durable 100% Cotton Canvas: 20” x 22”
• Heavy duty plastic zipper
• Elastic band keeps zipper in place
• Also great for washing kid’s shoes and more!


    大掃除時,不要忽視泰迪熊與他的夥伴們。"Teddy Needs A Bath" 會成為最佳的玩偶洗衣袋!就像枕頭和床單要用洗衣機和烘乾機清潔去除塵蟎才安全。塵蟎是過敏原會促使濕疹或哮喘的發作,因此消滅塵蟎是非常重要的。 100 %棉袋不會影響你親愛的玩偶,使它保持原貌。你的孩子會開心地把玩具熊放進這個袋子裡乾淨的洗澡。尺寸 20“× 30 ”。
      • #1 健康 - 過敏協會建議每月一次定期清洗孩子/寵物的毛絨玩具,以防止細菌​​和塵蟎的滋生傳播。研究顯示,用熱水清洗毛絨玩具,然後在烘乾機中乾燥,將有效地殺死有害細菌和塵蟎。另外若小孩在年幼時長期暴露於塵蟎中可引起哮喘發作。
      • #2 環保 - 愛護我們的環境,我們都知道我們只有一個地球,而這個偉大的發明便於重複使用減少玩具被拋出的數量,或將它們回收清洗後如新的一樣,分享給下一位喜愛他們的人使用。
      • #3 節省 - 在過去,當毛絨玩具玩髒了,選擇丟掉換一個新的。但在這個時期因為過度消費,我們已經學會了如何減少不必要的購買。這個產品能使玩具的外觀,手感和氣味變成全新的,省去了購買新玩具的費用。
      • •100 %純棉耐用帆布: 20“ × 22”
      • •強化塑膠拉鍊
      • •鬆緊帶設計將拉鏈包裹
      • •亦適用於清洗小孩子的鞋子或其他用品!


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