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The AVENT Classic Infant Starter Kit comes with two 4-ounce bottles with Classic slow-flow nipples and two 9-ounce bottles with Classic newborn nipples. Made from BPA-free polypropylene (PP) materials for safe feeding, these bottles have a wide shape for fewer spills while filling and quick cleaning. Clear, easy-to-read measuring markers make for an accurate filling, even when you're running on less sleep.
AVENT Classic nipples are soft and naturally shaped to promote proper latch-on. Their shape also makes it easier to transition back and forth from breast to bottle feeding.
AVENT's Classic bottles feature an anti-colic valve in the nipple that flexes to let air into the bottle, not in a baby's tummy where it can lead to gas and other discomfort. This design is proven to reduce colic. A clinical trial showed that at two weeks of age, babies fed with the Classic bottle were less likely to experience colic symptoms than babies fed with a traditional bottle.
The AVENT Classic Infant Starter Kit is designed to grow with babies as they move from bottle to sippy cup. The majority of the Philips AVENT feeding line is interchangeable, so as babies' needs change it is easy to switch to nipples with faster flow rates. Once they're ready to move onto sippy cups, the bottle-to-first-cup trainer offers a nipple and soft spout for training, as well as easy-hold handles. You can also add the handles to a familiar bottle so babies can get used to more independent feeding.
For on-the-go feeding, this kit includes a sturdy plastic milk powder dispenser. The dispenser holds up to three pre-measured servings of milk powder/formula and has a stay-in-place lid for easy travel.
To help soothe babies between feedings, this kit comes with a newborn silicone pacifier. This orthodontic, flat, symmetrical nipple respects the natural development of babies' palate, teeth, and gums.
For fast cleanup, the kit comes with a bottle brush that reaches even hard-to-clean areas at the bottom and sides of the bottle.
Two Classic 4-ounce bottles, two Classic 9-ounce bottles, two Classic slow flow nipples, two Classic newborn nipples, bottle-to-first-cup trainer with removable handles and soft spout, milk powder dispenser with lid, pacifier, and cleaning brush.
飛利浦 AVENT 嬰兒經典入門款,有你需要寶寶餵養的所有基本套件。包含四個不含BPA的經典奶瓶設計,經臨床證明,可讓 Baby 在喝奶時在肚中吸取最少量空氣,已達到最佳喂食效果。此套件包含不同種專為Baby所設計的瓶身。
臨床證明不含(BPA)奶瓶,以減少Baby 腹中絞痛機會
AVENT 經典入門款帶有兩個4盎司瓶的經典慢流量奶嘴和兩個9盎司的奶瓶,與經典新生兒的奶嘴設計。製造不含BPA聚丙烯(PP )材料安全,這些奶瓶有著不同形狀大小,但卻方便快速清潔。清晰卻易於讀取測量標誌讓你方便喂食。
AVENT 奶嘴設計柔軟,自然形成,以確保Baby咬合。它們的設計形狀也使得它更容易從母乳過渡期轉為奶瓶餵養。
AVENT 奶瓶在奶嘴的彎曲處配備了防絞痛閥門,讓空氣進入奶瓶,而不是在寶寶的肚子,它可以導致寶寶的不適。臨床試驗証明,在寶寶兩週歲左右,與傳統的奶瓶餵養相比,AVENT奶瓶大幅降低寶寶們的絞痛症狀。
大多數飛利浦AVENT 奶瓶前端是可以互換的,所以方便適應寶寶吸允的成長過程。甚至您還可以添加手把到寶寶熟悉的瓶子,以便嬰兒能適應更加獨立的餵養。
兩個4盎司的奶瓶,兩個9盎司的奶瓶,兩個經典設計奶嘴,兩個新生兒的奶嘴,bottle-to-first-cup trainer (搭配可拆卸的手把和吸嘴,奶粉容器和清潔刷。)
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