Yottoy - Corduroy Book

$1,120 TWD

Written and illustrated by Caldecott Medal winning Don Freeman, Corduroy is one of the best loved bears in children's literature. A best-selling book for over 45 years, Corduroy's story is an irresistible childhood classic about a small bear who has lost a button and is afraid he won't find a friend or a home without it. Corduroy finally finds love, fulfillment and a button, through the devotion of a young girl who realizes that this bear is very special.

  • Hardcover
  • 32 pages
  • About 8.25" X 9.25" X .4"
  • Recommended for ages 3-5 years
  • Made in the USA

排行榜超過45年的暢銷書,不可抗拒的兒時經典故事。此書作者及插圖是由獲得 Caldecott Medal 獎的唐·弗里曼所寫,Corduroy 是孩子們最喜愛故事書中的熊,故事是有關於一隻泰迪小熊Corduroy住在百貨公司裡,因為遺失了一個鈕扣,怕沒有主人願意帶他回家,於是他決定自己去把紐扣找回來,並展開了他的百貨公司大冒險。故事結局,賣個關子~

  • 英文版精裝書
  • 32頁
  • 8.25“ × 9.25” × 0.4“
  • 建議適用於3-5歲孩童
  • 美國製造


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