Home>Shop by Brand>Jo Malone London - English Pear & Freesia Cologne
Jo Malone London - English Pear & Freesia Cologne
$2,400 TWD
The World of Jo Malone London introduces English Pear & Freesia, a fragrance that captures the luscious scent of just-ripe pears, cooled by the autumn air and ready to twist free from the tree. Inspired by a walk in an orchard, secluded within a walled garden, discover an evocative fragrance of delicate contrasts - the crisp skin of the pear against the succulent juiciness beneath...the clarity of the season's first mists, meeting and melding with the warmth of golden, dappled sunshine.
Jo Malone London 推出的英國梨和小蒼蘭香味。此款香水捕捉了熟梨在秋風裡飄散的甜美香味。 隔著圍牆悄悄飄入鼻腔的淡淡花香,搭配上那熟透的果實圍繞著,讓你彷彿置身在果園裡。
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