Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances that only Yankee Candle® can produce. Made in USA. 輕輕的點燃一支蠟燭,享受Yankee蠟燭獨有的微妙香味,營造一個溫馨及舒適的氛圍。 仰望如綠寶石般美麗的天空! 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The aroma of cinnamon, baking spices and a hint of freshly poured tea will linger long after the flame has been...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
An invigorating medley of blended fragrances transports you to an Island getaway with Pink Sands scented candles from Yankee Candle. Made in USA. 粉紅色沙灘香味的Yankee蠟燭,賦有多種香料調配創造出獨特香氛,帶您到一個海島享受愉悅的度假 。 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The aroma of a sophisticated and soothing blend of florals and subtle fruits will linger long after the flame has been...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Close your eyes and let Yankee Candle transport you to an island paradise, palm trees gently swaying, glimpses of an impossibly blue sky. Under the Palms is cool and refreshing with the lush green scent of sea grass, palm...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Seasoned by the elements, this modern blend of vetiver, salt air and driftwood creates an intriguing fragrance. Made in USA. 賦有豐富多層次的元素,現代交融香根草,海邊空氣中略帶鹹鹹的味道和浮木的香氣,創建一個耐人尋味的香味。 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The zesty mango, peach, citrus, ginger flower and pink pepper aroma will linger long after the flame has been snuffed out....
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances that only Yankee Candle® can produce. Made in USA. 輕輕的點燃一支蠟燭,享受Yankee蠟燭獨有的微妙香味,營造一個溫馨及舒適的氛圍。 海邊沙灘的風情! 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The tropical aroma of pineapple, citrus, cilantro and coconut will linger long after the flame has been snuffed out. Made in...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances that only Yankee Candle can produce. Made in USA. 輕輕的點燃一支蠟燭,享受Yankee蠟燭獨有的微妙香味,營造一個溫馨及舒適的氛圍。 鼠尾草和柑橘的香氣飄散在空中! 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Dive into the scent of peaceful, sun-kissed waters laced with aloe, citrus, and lotus blossom. This soothing fragrance will draw you deep into the captivating world under water. Made in USA. 潛入香氛的世界裡,蘆薈,柑橘和蓮花帶給您平靜的感受,太陽親吻水域的氣味。這舒緩的香味會深深吸引你潛入到海洋下迷人的世界。 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Aloha carefree days, ocean breezes, and white, sandy beaches! Transport yourself to a tropical paradise with Yankee Candle's fun, fruity mix of orange fizz, sparkling peach, and vanilla ice. Made in USA. 阿羅哈般無憂無慮的日子,享受著海風及白色的沙灘!聞著這香氛像是到了世外桃源,享受Yankee蠟燭帶來的樂趣,熱帶天堂搭配橙香的水果味,閃閃發光的桃子和香草冰淇淋。 美國製造。
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Shake off the winter blues with the sunny, refreshing scents of orange, lemon zest, and grapefruit. Lively and playful, Citrus Tango will have you dreaming of warm, exotic destinations whatever the weather. Made in USA. 擺脫冬季的抑鬱,賦有橙,檸檬皮和陽光 柚子的清新氣味。活潑俏皮的柑橘探戈會讓你重拾擁有夢想的 熱情 ,享受那充滿異國情調的當下。...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The intoxicating, masculine blend of musk, patchouli, sage and mahogany cologne will linger long after the flame has been snuffed out....
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The aroma so vividly real you can almost taste the unmistakable crunch will linger long after the flame has been snuffed...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The aroma of lavender, white, and deep purple lilacs will linger long after the flame has been snuffed out. Made in...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The sweet and traditional aroma, extracted from tropical orchids, will linger long after the flame has been snuffed out. Made in...
$1,450 TWD
Yankee Candle
Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by simply lighting a candle and enjoying the delicate fragrances of Yankee Candle. The aroma of sun-dried cotton and green notes, white flowers, and a hint of lemon will linger long after the flame...
$1,450 TWD
Details Rad effects pedal featuring 30 delay types ranging from vintage to various standards & originals, from the experts at VOX. Complete with 30 ready-to-use, editable programs, a 28-second stereo looper + 3 loop delay effects, as well as...
$8,700 TWD
Details Overview: * Imitate sound in real time with this lo-fi effects pedal * Hand-assembled from Z.VEX EFFECTS * Includes 5 knobs, 2 stomp-switches for bypass and record and a safety switch * Records up to 20 seconds of...
$8,400 TWD
Details Overview: * Find your own, personalized fuzz with this effect pedal * Hand-assembled from Z.VEX EFFECTS * Topped with an original, hand-painted design * 5-knob fuzz using 2 new, old-stock 60s germanium transistors * 9VDC power jack and...
$7,200 TWD
Details Overview: * Make the most of a classic amp and guitar with this preamp pedal * Hand-assembled from Z.VEX EFFECTS * Topped with an original, hand-painted design * Use high-quality 9V adaptor for high-gain effects * Current draw...
$6,900 TWD
Details Rare, one-of-a-kind BoomCase stereo system crafted from an authentic vintage suitcase and hand-painted with a rad two-tone design. Topped off with a thick matte-shellac finish and sanded to perfection so that the exterior is super smooth n' glass-like...
$31,000 TWD
Details We love it when a plan comes together. The audio experts at BoomCase had a pretty awesome one when they decided to take this vintage A-Team van figurine and transform it into this sweet speaker equipped with 50watts...
$10,500 TWD