2013 Britax B-Agile & B-Safe Travel System Designed to be an on-the-go travel system, the B-Agile Stroller and B-Safe Infant Car Seat fit together seamlessly to create one of the lightest and easiest-to-use travel systems on the market. The...
$20,990 TWD
The B-READY stroller from BRITAX is a versatile, modular stroller that can easily convert to an in-line double stroller. With 14 different configurations the B-READY stroller is adaptable to fit your needs. The integrated Click & Go receivers enable...
$14,970 TWD
Less wiping for more gentle cleaning Clinically proven mild Hypoallergenic and perfume-free Dermatologist tested The #1 choice of hospitals (based on sales data) 20% thicker versus regular Pampers® wipes Softgrip Texture® for a gentle clean 更 溫和的清潔 及減少紙張使用數量 臨床證明有效...
$990 TWD
Cards Against Humanity
此為預購商品,約需等候 10-14 個工作天安排出貨 What is Cards Against Humanity? Unlike most of the party games you've played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends. The game is simple. Each round, one player asks...
$1,650 TWD
Poppy 3D
Poppy turns your iPhone into a 3D camera. Capture, view and share 3D video clips and photos, all in one inexpensive device. Poppy lets you capture beautiful images and videos in 3D using your iPhone’s camera. Viewing through Poppy...
$2,260 TWD $1,800 TWD
A lightweight, extremely durable solar powered charger that will fully replenish the batteries on your phone, while still providing hours of bright, safe light. The WakaWaka Power charges most smartphones in under 2 hours. A true lifesaver for those...
$2,850 TWD
WakaWaka Light A sturdy, highly efficient, sustainable, solar-powered LED lamp. The WakaWaka Light is as much an indispensable product for those in the West, as it is the solution for the 1.5 billion people living without electricity. Twice as...
$1,799 TWD $780 TWD
Product Information Overview The Infomotion 94Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball and 94Fifty app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch measures muscle activity, so you can understand your playing strengths and weaknesses. It adapts as you improve, while providing basic,...
$8,990 TWD $7,990 TWD
Keep your home cozy with this Nest T200577 Learning Thermostat that remembers the temperatures you like and switches to an energy-efficient setting when you're away. Wi-Fi connectivity lets you make adjustments from your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. Product...
$8,600 TWD
La Manual Alpargatera
The Manual Alpargatera started as espadrille workshop just after the civil war (40′s) combining an ancient craft tradition with cutting-edge trends in fashion of that time, leading to a new alternative in the accessories industry. 原西班牙純手工麻底帆布鞋: 在歐洲 內戰時期 (...
$1,200 TWD
Jimmy Choo
Patent leather adds contemporary gloss to this Jimmy Choo low-heel pump with dainty bow. Bicolor matte and patent leather. Layered combo construction. Front bow detail. Pointed toe. 2" covered heel. Padded leather insole. Leather lining and sole. "Iguana" is...
$22,500 TWD
Jimmy Choo
The Jimmy Choo Abel pump studs a go-to shape with modern micro studs. From important meetings to dinner with the girls, the 4" heel has you looking and feeling your best. Studded suede. 4" covered stiletto heel. Pointed toe;...
$28,650 TWD
Christian Louboutin
Neutral but sure to be noticed, these Christian Louboutin pumps are the go-to for practically any occasion, finishing your outfit with the unmistakable signature red sole. Patent leather. 5" covered heel; 1 1/2" platform; 3 1/2" equiv. Signature red...
$27,150 TWD
Christian Louboutin
If you love the classic Christian Louboutin pump, then try it 'spiked.' The Pigalle pump strikes with tonal acrylic spikes. Patent leather with allover tonal spikes. Pointed toe; single sole. Low-cut vamp with dipped sides. 4" covered heel. Leather...
from $38,850 TWD
Christian Louboutin
Christian Louboutin Iriza pump features an artistic d'Orsay silhouette set in sleek pink patent leather. Patent leather d'Orsay upper with pointed toe. Signature Christian Louboutin red leather outsole. 4" covered heel. Leather lining and padded footbed. "Iriza" is made...
$625 TWD
Christian Louboutin
The classic black pump made even better with the Christian Louboutin signature red sole. Soft, matte kidskin leather. Signature Christian Louboutin red leather outsole. Round toe; single sole. 4" covered heel. Padded leather insole; leather lining. "Simple" is made...
$20,550 TWD
La Manual Alpargatera
The Manual Alpargatera started as espadrille workshop just after the civil war (40′s) combining an ancient craft tradition with cutting-edge trends in fashion of that time, leading to a new alternative in the accessories industry. 原西班牙純手工麻底帆布鞋: 在歐洲 內戰時期 (...
$1,800 TWD
La Manual Alpargatera
The Manual Alpargatera started as espadrille workshop just after the civil war (40′s) combining an ancient craft tradition with cutting-edge trends in fashion of that time, leading to a new alternative in the accessories industry. 原西班牙純手工麻底帆布鞋: 在歐洲 內戰時期 (...
$1,000 TWD
Bodegas Peña Del Valle
品牌:貝妮亞田帕尼優紅酒 名稱:IGP - "Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura" (西班牙葡萄酒) 酒的類型:紅葡萄酒 品種:100% 田帕尼優 (Tempranillo) 酒精濃度:14% 酒評:馥郁的紫羅蘭色澤。嚐起來高雅有獨特果香,嗅覺上表現出醇美紅色水果的活躍香氣。均衡的酒質,厚實卻不失柔順,是絕佳的酒體。 建議飲用溫度:14-16 度 C 物流資訊: 酒瓶容量:750 毫升 6瓶裝箱:每瓶 $665元 / 6 瓶共 $3990元 (原 價每瓶 $775元 / 6 瓶共 $4650元 ) 裝箱大小:寬 16 cm...
$4,650 TWD $3,990 TWD
Bodegas Peña Del Valle
品牌:貝妮亞希哈紅酒 名稱:IGP - "Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura" (西班牙葡萄酒) 酒的類型:紅葡萄酒 品種:100% 希哈 (Syrah) 酒精濃度:14% 酒評:深紫的色澤帶著花果香氣。層次分明的表現在味蕾上,酒質均衡,入口感到厚實飽滿及圓潤,愉悅的餘韻芳香且綿長。 建議飲用溫度:14-16 度 C 物流資訊: 酒瓶容量:750 毫升 6瓶裝箱:每瓶 $695元 / 6 瓶共 $4170元 (原價 每瓶 $840元 / 6 瓶共 $5040元 ) 裝箱大小:寬16 cm x...
$5,040 TWD $4,170 TWD
Bodegas Peña Del Valle
品牌:貝妮亞橡木桶陳年紅酒 名稱:IGP - "Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura" (西班牙葡萄酒) 酒的類型:橡木桶紅葡萄酒 品種:70% 田帕尼優 (Tempranillo) 與 30% 希哈 (Syrah) 酒齡:酒齡在法國橡木桶超過12個月 酒精濃度:14% 酒評:成熟糖分較少的葡萄酒,擁有強烈紅櫻桃偏紫般的色澤,散發出豐沛花香,成熟果香與巴薩米可醋的宜人香氣,彷彿置身在地中海國家的鄉間。不過度的木質香讓整體的風味更佳。 建議飲用溫度:16-18 度 C 物流資訊: 酒瓶容量: 750 毫升 6瓶裝箱:每瓶 $808元 / 6 瓶共 $4848元 (原價每瓶 $950 / 6 瓶共...
$5,700 TWD $4,848 TWD
Bodegas Peña Del Valle
品牌:幸運之王瓊瑤漿白酒 名稱:IGP - "Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura" (西班牙葡萄酒) 酒的類型:年輕的白葡萄酒 品種:100% 瓊瑤漿 (Gewürztraminer) 酒精濃度:13% 酒評:"Gewürz" 意指香料,該特色在此展露無遺。這款酒的香氣豐富濃郁,充滿大量的蜂蜜與玫瑰花香。入口時有著濃稠感,並帶點絲微的甜味,縱使此酒屬於糖分較少的葡萄酒,但甜味的餘韻卻更加顯著。適合搭配亞洲美食,辣味佳餚,或起司與鵝肝。 建議飲用溫度:6 - 8 度 C 物流資訊: 酒瓶容量:750 毫升 6瓶裝箱:每瓶 $816元 / 6 瓶共 $4896元 ( 原價每瓶 $960元 / 6 瓶共 $5760元) 裝箱大小:寬16...
$5,760 TWD $4,896 TWD
$1,200 TWD